Palliative Care is an extra layer of supportive care for our patients who are struggling with a serious illness.
Palliative Care Services are provided by our team of caregivers that includes a physician, nurses from each care setting; a social worker and chaplain. In some situations, physical therapy or occupational therapy may be added to the team, depending on the patient’s needs and goals.
Palliative Care Center Treatment
Our first priority with palliative care is to manage physical symptoms of an illness or that arise from treatment. The goal is to improve quality of life. After physical needs are met to allow for comfort, we look for other ways to add joy to a patient’s day. Madison Healthcare Services has a therapy dog program that provides visits to residents in the Madison Care Center, Hilltop Residence and the hospital. We have even done a few home visits.
Studies have shown that art and creative expression promote health with aging, so Madison Palliative Care donated a Reverie Harp that can be played by a volunteer or resident with no prior experience. Another creative outlet is art. We’ve had a professional artist teach watercolors to residents and members of the community.
Positive health outcomes has been associated with engagement of older people in activities in which they experience a sense of control or mastery. Again, the goal is to increase the joy in each day and improve quality of life.
For more information about Madison Healthcare Services palliative care programs contact Deb Meyer at 320-598-7551