Bluestream is the platform that Madison Healthcare Services is using for virtual visits.
Virtual Visit Instructions
- You will receive an email (PC or Laptop) or text (Smartphone) from your provider once you call and setup your appointment.
- the email will come from [email protected] with the subject line “You’ve been invited to a virtual care session by “your provider’s name”
- or a text message will look like this
- Click on the blue hyperlink in the text or email that looks like this:
- Read the consent form. If you agree to continue, check the box next to “By accepting this request, I certify that I have read or had this form read and/or had this form explained to me.”
- Click on “AGREE”
- After clicking “AGREE”, you will see the words BlueStream and a blue dot. Wait for your provider to accept on their end.
- Once provider accepts the session, you will see the provider on your screen and you will see yourself in the left corner of the screen.
- To end the call, click on the RED phone.
- You can choose to “rate the call” or continue without rating.
- When “Session Ended” window appears, close the session window.